Thursday, October 29, 2009

Swine Flu

I don't know about where y'all live, but here in North Texas the media is whippin' the public into a tizzy over Swine Flu [I refuse to call it H1N1]. There have been 5 deaths in Tarrant county and 12 deaths in Dallas county since this flu made its appearance. All but one of the stricken had underlying health problems. But the news outlets, print and televised, are treating this outbreak as if it was 1918 and folks are droppin' in the street.

1 comment:

  1. The CDC stopped testing flu strains in August. Since then all they want reported is number of "flu-like" cases. They CDC then lumps them all together and calls the whole Kit 'n kabootle as Swine flu.

    I asked my family physician if he was having his wife and 8 kids get the vaccine. He said, "No."
