Wednesday, December 22, 2010

In light of the story of a DFW TSA agent bypassing the checkpoint [since they don't have to be screened] with a rifle given him by a passenger this photo is even more disturbing.
If a Muslim woman, in full hijab, bypassed security by carrying a rifle to "help a passenger" how safe would you feel? Would she be sanctioned/fired for breaking regulations or would TSA be afraid of allegations of Islamophobia by groups such as CAIR? Another good question, what would stop any TSA agent, out of religious beliefs or out of greed, from smuggling another weapon, a possibly loaded weapon?
If we had Air Marshalls on every flight, ala El Al, that would be REAL security. With that action we could do away with TSA, their intrusive scanners and insulting patdowns.


  1. Off topic, as I so wish to touch this, but can't.

    But have a happy Christmas and you and your wonderful husband, a very Happy New Year.

  2. I'm not surprised by this... TSA seems to think since they 'made' the rule, they are free to break it if they feel like it... This is just one of many...
