Monday, November 15, 2010

Playing Devil's Advocate

I hate being in the position of defending TSA, but I feel I have to address one of their policies.
Let me start by saying the incident in Chattanooga with the 3 y.o. girl child was handled badly and some serious training in handling [no pun intended] children is called for.
For those of you who do not remember the Vietnam conflict, I have to explain their use of children under the age of 12 as sappers. A child armed with a grenade and riding a bicycle would pass an American troop transport truck and toss a grenade in amongst the soldiers.
Some of the African Muslim factions are creating "Child Soldiers" where male children are abducted from their villages and forced to become fighters.
I learned from either Robert Spencer or ACT for America [sorry, I just don't remember which source provided me with this info] the practice of jihadists forcing Muslim women to become suicide bombers. This particularly heinous process entails the rape of the woman. She is then given the option of delivering a suicide bomb or being sanctioned often with stoning by her strict fundamentalist family and/or neighbors.
Now, having provided or reminded you of these facts... Do you have any doubt the jihadists * would balk at planting explosives on children, including babies? Since these criminals view murdering infidels as directives from their Beloved Allah, and suicide in the service of jihad as a holy act worthy of eternity in Paradise, why would they hesitate to use children as a bomb delivery system?
"But, but, Holly, " I can hear some of you spluttering, "We're talking about traumatizing American children!" OK. Let's assume the child and his/her parent[s] are blond, blue-eyed non-Middle Eastern [yes, some of us are more suspicious of those we perceive as Middle Eastern or of Middle Eastern heritage when assessing terroristic threat] looking travelers. How many Bosnian Muslim jihadists are blond and blue-eyed? How many radical Muslim converts are American? These people should not be discounted as possible threats.
I'm just sayin'
* I refuse to capitalize the words jihad or jihadist.

1 comment:

  1. Since all kids under 14 are now not subject to being probulated, the whole system is silly, anyhow. If a jihadi will bring down himself and 300 other people, why would he think twice before putting a bomb on a child?

    Stupid theatre, for no reason other than poor windowdressing. If it's not doing any good, why subject anyone to it?
