Friday, December 4, 2009

Some of Us Knew

...something like this was bound to happen when the Obamassiah was elected.
I am so proud of these brave men and women on this flight. Without the example set by the Navy diver and the Texan how differently this flight might have been. Kudos to the flight crew for their refusal to fly once the Jihadists had been returned to the plane.
Shame on TSA and the airline admin weenie who approved flying with these terrorists. Make no mistake about it, they were conducting a test. Next time, without vigilance, they may carry out their mission. One more reason for me to drive instead of fly anywhere.
h/t to Old NFO for the excellent post he wrote.

1 comment:

  1. As I said on NFO's blog, If I can't drive there, I'm not goin'.
