Wednesday, December 22, 2010

In light of the story of a DFW TSA agent bypassing the checkpoint [since they don't have to be screened] with a rifle given him by a passenger this photo is even more disturbing.
If a Muslim woman, in full hijab, bypassed security by carrying a rifle to "help a passenger" how safe would you feel? Would she be sanctioned/fired for breaking regulations or would TSA be afraid of allegations of Islamophobia by groups such as CAIR? Another good question, what would stop any TSA agent, out of religious beliefs or out of greed, from smuggling another weapon, a possibly loaded weapon?
If we had Air Marshalls on every flight, ala El Al, that would be REAL security. With that action we could do away with TSA, their intrusive scanners and insulting patdowns.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Censorship on the Internet of sites critical of Islamic Jihad

Since this article the websites videos have been restored by You Tube due to an outpouring of support from PMW's subscribers.
Still this post is informative reading.
Part of the "Cultural Jihad" being waged by Muslim apologist groups include these types of actions caused by threats of legal action by such groups and/or the labeling of any criticism of Islam as "Islamophobia." It's time to stand up to the bullies before they erode our freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Observations from the Road

Twice lately I've been travelling South on I-35W and seen an interesting billboard. It says "Dragon Service Center."
Now let's just think about this. How many dragons ARE there in need of service? How do you service a dragon? Is the facility akin to an automotive repair shop with multiple bays? How many bays are there at this service center? Can more than one dragon be serviced at a time? If so, how far apart do you have to keep the dragons? How long does it take to service a dragon? Does it depend on how long it's been since the last service or how many problems the dragon has or how big it is? And lastly, how much does it cost to service a dragon? Just think about the things and get back to me.

Why don't you see "courtesy waves" very much anymore? When someone lets me change lanes or enter the flow of traffic or moves over to the shoulder so I can pass on a two-lane highway, I always give them a little wave to let them know I appreciate their consideration. But when I do the same for other drivers I almost never get a wave, unless it's from someone 50 or older.
Did we not teach our children to be appreciative? I tried, but evidently other parents didn't.
Anyway, wave or no wave I'll keep being courteous. It's good karma.

For all you drivers on 35W, when did traffic get so gawdawful in Ft. Worth. Even as much as 5 years ago, you could zip on through at non-peak hours. I was going South through Ft. Worth around 1 pm. The Southbound lanes were slow, but the Northbound lanes were stop and go from Downtown to well North of Northside Dr. Coming home I was going North around 3-3:30 pm. It was stop and go from Burleson to just barely South of Alliance. What's up with that?